University of Calcutta
Department of Horticulture
Institute of Agricultural science
51/2 Hazra Road, Kolkata 700 019
RET 2013
Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Science. Candidates willing to pursue research work leading subsequently to the Ph.D. (Ag.) degree in Horticulture, University of Calcutta, should apply in plain paper in the format attached herewith to the Head of the Department, after paying Rs. 100/- to the University Cash Counter through a challan available from the University Sales Counter at the C.U. College Street Campus/Law College Campus, C.U. A photocopy of the challan of RET examination fee deposited by the candidate must be attached to the application of the candidate for the RET.
The eligible candidates will have to appear at a written MCQ examination to be held in the Department of Horticulture, the details of which are appended below. Successful candidates (Qualification bench mark- 50% of the total marks) will be called for an interview, the final selection for joining the Ph.D. Programme of this Department, along with the allocation of supervisor will be made on the basis of this interview. Those candidates who have already passed UGC-CSIR(JRF) NET/SET/SLET/GATE/Teacher Fellowship or equivalent examination need not appear at the written test and can directly apply for the interview. All those called for interview will have to submit a statement of purpose or research brief and appear in the interview on the specified date.
All inservice applicants eligible for interview will have to produce “ No objection certificate” in original from the employer at the time of RET(interview), failing so will automatically reject their claim for admission.
Vacancies : Three
Last date of submission of application (both for Written Part and Interview Part) 25.02.2013
Date of RET ( Written part)Examination 28.02.2013
MCQ Type: 50 Marks: One hour Duration: 12.00 hrs—13.00 hours
VENUE: Dept. of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Science.
For more details, visit:
Department of Horticulture
Institute of Agricultural science
51/2 Hazra Road, Kolkata 700 019
RET 2013
Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Science. Candidates willing to pursue research work leading subsequently to the Ph.D. (Ag.) degree in Horticulture, University of Calcutta, should apply in plain paper in the format attached herewith to the Head of the Department, after paying Rs. 100/- to the University Cash Counter through a challan available from the University Sales Counter at the C.U. College Street Campus/Law College Campus, C.U. A photocopy of the challan of RET examination fee deposited by the candidate must be attached to the application of the candidate for the RET.
The eligible candidates will have to appear at a written MCQ examination to be held in the Department of Horticulture, the details of which are appended below. Successful candidates (Qualification bench mark- 50% of the total marks) will be called for an interview, the final selection for joining the Ph.D. Programme of this Department, along with the allocation of supervisor will be made on the basis of this interview. Those candidates who have already passed UGC-CSIR(JRF) NET/SET/SLET/GATE/Teacher Fellowship or equivalent examination need not appear at the written test and can directly apply for the interview. All those called for interview will have to submit a statement of purpose or research brief and appear in the interview on the specified date.
All inservice applicants eligible for interview will have to produce “ No objection certificate” in original from the employer at the time of RET(interview), failing so will automatically reject their claim for admission.
Vacancies : Three
Last date of submission of application (both for Written Part and Interview Part) 25.02.2013
Date of RET ( Written part)Examination 28.02.2013
MCQ Type: 50 Marks: One hour Duration: 12.00 hrs—13.00 hours
VENUE: Dept. of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Science.
For more details, visit: