University of Calcutta
Dept of English
Asutosh Bldg
College Street Campus, Kolkata 700073
Admission to the PhD Programme in English, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Calcutta
Candidates should apply in the prescribed proforma. The eligible candidates will have to appear in a written examination of three hours duration to be held in this Department on FEBRUARY 6, 2013 at 1pm.
Application Form to be downloaded from the CU website and the filled in form is to be submitted to the Head, Dept of English (Asutosh Bldg Staff Room ) after payment of Rs 100 at the CU cash counter.
Last date for submission of application- January 18, 2013
The list of successful candidates will be displayed in the Notice Board of the Department on February 15, 2013 and the interview will be held on February 27-28, 2013 from 12 noon.
Candidates who will appear for the interview must submit a 500 word research proposal or statement of purpose (SOP) on the day of the interview. (See CU website for areas of research in the Department)
Candidates who have already passed M. Phil/ NET//SET/SLET/Teacher Fellowship need not appear for the written examination and can directly apply to appear for the interview.
Candidates can access the new PhD regulations from the CU website.
For more details, visit:
Dept of English
Asutosh Bldg
College Street Campus, Kolkata 700073
Admission to the PhD Programme in English, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Calcutta
Candidates should apply in the prescribed proforma. The eligible candidates will have to appear in a written examination of three hours duration to be held in this Department on FEBRUARY 6, 2013 at 1pm.
Application Form to be downloaded from the CU website and the filled in form is to be submitted to the Head, Dept of English (Asutosh Bldg Staff Room ) after payment of Rs 100 at the CU cash counter.
Last date for submission of application- January 18, 2013
The list of successful candidates will be displayed in the Notice Board of the Department on February 15, 2013 and the interview will be held on February 27-28, 2013 from 12 noon.
Candidates who will appear for the interview must submit a 500 word research proposal or statement of purpose (SOP) on the day of the interview. (See CU website for areas of research in the Department)
Candidates who have already passed M. Phil/ NET//SET/SLET/Teacher Fellowship need not appear for the written examination and can directly apply to appear for the interview.
Candidates can access the new PhD regulations from the CU website.
For more details, visit: