Convocation 2012 on 29th November 2012

The University of Burdwan
Rajbati, Bardhaman - 713 104,
West Bengal, India

Annual Convocation 2012

The next Annual Convocation of the University has been scheduled to be held on 29th November, 2012 in the University Auditorium at Golapbag, Burdwan. Students who passed M.Phil./M.B.A./M.L.I.S. examinations in 2010 & 2011, M.A. / M.Sc./ M.Com. (both regular and external) examinations 2011, M.C.A. / M.Tech. in ECE (Microwaves) examinations 2011 & 2012 and LL.M. / M.Ed. / MFA examinations in 2011 are eligible to attend the convocation.

Students who passed B.A. /B.Sc./ B.Com. and Under-graduate vocational and professional courses examinations in 2011, B.L.I.S. /LL.B. Examinations in 2010 & 2011, B.Ed. (Sc.) / B.P.Ed. / Bachelor of Visual Art examinations 2011, Diploma in Visual Art (Craft & Design) examinations in 2011 and 2012, B.Ed. and B.E. Examinations 2011, Post-graduate Diploma in Bio-Informatics examination in 2009, Certificate courses in French/Russian 2011 & 2012, Certificate courses in German in 2012, Diploma courses in French/Russian in 2011 & 2012, Advanced Diploma in French in 2011 will also be conferred degrees / diplomas/certificates at the Convocation. Such students will, however, not be required to attend the Convocation and will collect their scrolls of the Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates from the concerned colleges/Departments of the University.

Medallists of 2010 and 2011 examinations (which ever is applicable) and for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. examinations 2011 and also the Ph.D. Degree awardees up to 15th November, 2012 will be eligible to attend the Convocation.

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