
Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship at IIT Madras

IIT Madras

Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship at IIT Madras


It is proposed to offer a number of Institute PostDoctoral Fellowships (PDF) at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.(IIT Madras). It is a temporary research position which may be offered for those who seek to choose research as a profession. The research work during the postdoctoral period can be in areas that are of interest, both to the postdoctoral fellows and the Institute.(Institute henceforth refers to IIT Madras) The presence of the postdoctoral fellows at the Institute will further enhance the research culture and output of the Institute and help promote interdisciplinary research. It is a transition phase which can also help a fresh doctorate transform into an independent researcher before taking up a research career.

Duration: The duration of the fellowship will be initially for a period of 2 years, extendable for a further period of one more year based on the progress of the Post Doctoral fellow and the recommendation of the Department.

Applications are received throughout the year. Invitation for interview will be sent by the respective departments if found suitable after scrutinizing the application

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