
NIMCET 2012, NIT MCA Common Entrance Test 2012


NIT MCA Common Entrance Test

Conducted By

National Institutes of Technology, Warangal

National Institutes of Technology (NITs) are Institutes of National Importance and are Centrally Funded Technical Institutes. The NIMCET is NIT MCA Common Entrance Test, a National Level Test conducted by NITs for admission in to their MCA programme. The admission to the MCA prgoramme in to NITs at Agartala, Allahabad, Bhopal, Calicut, Durgapur, Jamshedpur, Kurukshetra, Raipur, Surathkal, Tiruchirappalli and Warangal for the year 2012-13 is be based on the Rank obtained in NIMCET-2012 ONLY. The Curriculum and Syllabi of Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programme offered by NITs are designed considering the needs of different Information Technology Firms in India and abroad. MCA graduates have high potential for jobs in IT Sector.


Indian Nationals securing 60% marks or 6.5/10 CGPA (55% marks or 6.0/10 CGPA for SC, ST category) in 12th (i.e. 10 + 2) level or equivalent with Mathematics as one of the subjects at either 10+1 or 10+2 level or at both the levels and Qualifying Degree@ - Bachelor’s Degree of Full time* 3 year or more duration from a recognized University with at least one of the following as a chosen subject of study: Mathematics, Statistics, Business Mathematics, Business Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Computational Mathematics, Elementary Mathematics, Elementary Statistics

For On-Line Submission Of Application At Website

Online submission of application may be made by accessing the website The candidate should fill all the details as given in the Online Form.

Candidates should pay the fee Rs.1,500/- for OPEN/OBC category and Rs.750/- for SC/ST category candidates. The fee is to be remitted through Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of “NIMCET-2012” payable at Warangal. All the candidates are advised to write name, address, unique application number generated and printed on hard-copy of the application form on reverse side of the demand draft.

Enclose all the documents as listed in the check list (given in the next page). The completely filled-in application form along with all enclosures should be sent to

The Secretary,
National Institute of Technology,
Warangal – 506 004,
Andhra Pradesh State.

Important Dates

Publication of Advertisement in Press and Web Monday, 13th February, 2012

Opening date for online login creation and submission of Online Monday, 13th February, 2012

Application form Closing Date of Online Login Creation Monday, 9th April, 2012

Last date for online submission of application Thursday, 12th April, 2012

Last date for receipt of printout of electronically filled application form along with requisite DD by speed post/Registered post/ by hand Monday, 16th April, 2012

Availability of Admit card on web for download Monday, 7th May, 2012 to Sunday 20th May, 2012

Date and Time of Examination Sunday, 20th May, 2012 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon (Reporting time 9.15 A.M.)

For more details, visit:

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