Panjab University, Chandigarh
Panjab University today launched online forms for the Entrance Test at its Computer Centre, Panjab University. Prof. R.C. Sobti, Vice - Chancellor, Panjab University as a test case submitted his first online Application for the Entrance Test of University Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. The Entrance Test named as Panjab University Tourism and Hotel Aptitude Test (PUTHAT). This test is meant for the two courses i.e. B.Sc. (Hospitality and Hotel Administration) and B.Sc. (Tourism Management). The last date for submission of the application-cum-admission forms is March 27, 2012. The test will be conducted on April 22, 2012.
For Online application, candidates have to first register and get a pay in-slip for paying the fee to any branch of the State Bank of India. After paying the fee, the candidates can feed this information to his/her account which will be operated through their login and password and they can update their information. Candidates will be able to download their admit card on the date given in the website No candidates will be sent to any Roll Nos. and no admission forms will be available off line for these courses. The student can also down load the prospectus from the Website.
This software has been developed by the staff of the Computer Centre, P.U. The Vice- Chancellor, Registrar and Director, Computer Centre appreciated the staff for their contribution towards the University. All other Entrance Test forms for CET, OCET, UILS, M.Ed, and Ph.D will also be made online. Information of all these will be available on P.U. Website
It is for the first time that University has made the availability of the forms online for the Entrance Test. Last year the University conducted online admissions for the courses like Honours School, B.Ed and B.Com., Dr. Tankeshwar Kumar, Director, Computer Centre informed.
Panjab University today launched online forms for the Entrance Test at its Computer Centre, Panjab University. Prof. R.C. Sobti, Vice - Chancellor, Panjab University as a test case submitted his first online Application for the Entrance Test of University Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. The Entrance Test named as Panjab University Tourism and Hotel Aptitude Test (PUTHAT). This test is meant for the two courses i.e. B.Sc. (Hospitality and Hotel Administration) and B.Sc. (Tourism Management). The last date for submission of the application-cum-admission forms is March 27, 2012. The test will be conducted on April 22, 2012.
For Online application, candidates have to first register and get a pay in-slip for paying the fee to any branch of the State Bank of India. After paying the fee, the candidates can feed this information to his/her account which will be operated through their login and password and they can update their information. Candidates will be able to download their admit card on the date given in the website No candidates will be sent to any Roll Nos. and no admission forms will be available off line for these courses. The student can also down load the prospectus from the Website.
This software has been developed by the staff of the Computer Centre, P.U. The Vice- Chancellor, Registrar and Director, Computer Centre appreciated the staff for their contribution towards the University. All other Entrance Test forms for CET, OCET, UILS, M.Ed, and Ph.D will also be made online. Information of all these will be available on P.U. Website
It is for the first time that University has made the availability of the forms online for the Entrance Test. Last year the University conducted online admissions for the courses like Honours School, B.Ed and B.Com., Dr. Tankeshwar Kumar, Director, Computer Centre informed.
PU Chandigarh