All India Young Social Scientists Workshop 2011
Sep 26-27, 2011, HNG University, Patan
Jointly Organised by
Indian Sociological Society
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD)
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University
Objectives of workshop :
The primary objective of this workshop is to track the technological developmental trends and their impacts on current and future society.
The specific objectives of the programme are:
1. To bring together social researchers for critical discussion and network creation for research on Technology and Society.
2. To review the technological trends and their impact on current society in India.
3. To forecast the future impact of technological change on Indian society
4. To give input to technology sector for socially sustainable development
Sub Themes :
1. Sustainable development and affordable technology
2. Social inclusion and role of technology
3. Networks and knowledge society
4. Technology in rural society and rural technology
5. Alternative development and cultural pluralism
Details Click Here
Sep 26-27, 2011, HNG University, Patan
Jointly Organised by
Indian Sociological Society
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD)
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University
Objectives of workshop :
The primary objective of this workshop is to track the technological developmental trends and their impacts on current and future society.
The specific objectives of the programme are:
1. To bring together social researchers for critical discussion and network creation for research on Technology and Society.
2. To review the technological trends and their impact on current society in India.
3. To forecast the future impact of technological change on Indian society
4. To give input to technology sector for socially sustainable development
Sub Themes :
1. Sustainable development and affordable technology
2. Social inclusion and role of technology
3. Networks and knowledge society
4. Technology in rural society and rural technology
5. Alternative development and cultural pluralism
Details Click Here