Punjab University, Chandigarh
PU Date Sheet 2011
Date Sheet 2011 for B.Com
PU Chandigarh announced the date sheet of class B.Com 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the 2011. The exams are going to start on 2nd April 2011 for the following classes The Practical Exams will conduct from 10.3.2011 TO 26.3.2011
B.Com. 1st Year (Pass Course)
B.Com. 2nd Year (Pass & Hons.Course)
B.Com. 3rd Year (Pass & Hons.Course)
B.Com with With Codes
Date-sheet for B.Com. 1st Year (General) ( Exam. Code 112 ), B.Com. 2nd(General) (Exam. Code 113) & 3rd Year (General) (Exam. Code 114) B .Com. 2nd (Honours) (Exam. Code 115) & 3rd Year (Honours) (Exam. Code 116)
For Full Subjects / Additional Subjects / Improvements / Mercy Chance / Additional Chance Candidates Examination Commencing w.e.f 2nd April 2011
Check the following to get download full date sheet for B.Com 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year
Time of Exam: 2:15 pm to 5:15 pm
(The candidates must be on their seats at 2.00 p.m. sharp as per date-sheet below. The answer-books with Optical Mark Reader (OMR) front covers will be distributed at 2.00 p.m. 15 minutes time in the beginning of each paper is budgeted for filling up the OMR Sheets properly under the instructions and supervision of invigilators. The question paper will be distributed at 2.15 p.m. sharp and the examination will continue till 5.15 p.m.)

Source: www.puchd.ac.in
PU Date Sheet 2011
Date Sheet 2011 for B.Com
PU Chandigarh announced the date sheet of class B.Com 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the 2011. The exams are going to start on 2nd April 2011 for the following classes The Practical Exams will conduct from 10.3.2011 TO 26.3.2011
B.Com. 1st Year (Pass Course)
B.Com. 2nd Year (Pass & Hons.Course)
B.Com. 3rd Year (Pass & Hons.Course)
B.Com with With Codes
Date-sheet for B.Com. 1st Year (General) ( Exam. Code 112 ), B.Com. 2nd(General) (Exam. Code 113) & 3rd Year (General) (Exam. Code 114) B .Com. 2nd (Honours) (Exam. Code 115) & 3rd Year (Honours) (Exam. Code 116)
For Full Subjects / Additional Subjects / Improvements / Mercy Chance / Additional Chance Candidates Examination Commencing w.e.f 2nd April 2011
Check the following to get download full date sheet for B.Com 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year
Time of Exam: 2:15 pm to 5:15 pm
(The candidates must be on their seats at 2.00 p.m. sharp as per date-sheet below. The answer-books with Optical Mark Reader (OMR) front covers will be distributed at 2.00 p.m. 15 minutes time in the beginning of each paper is budgeted for filling up the OMR Sheets properly under the instructions and supervision of invigilators. The question paper will be distributed at 2.15 p.m. sharp and the examination will continue till 5.15 p.m.)
Source: www.puchd.ac.in