Christ University
(Date & Time : 2011-03-02 9.00 am)
Department of Commerce, Christ University is organizing SAMSHODHAN-2010 a State Level Research Seminar. This program offers an opportunity to PG students of Commerce, Economics, Management, and Tourism to come out with Research Based Paper for presentation on the theme “Beyond Recession towards Sustainable Prosperity”. This offers a forum to the students’ community to come out with solutions to the challenges the society is facing.
Venue : Seminar hall, Block II, Christ University, Bangalore
For more details, visit:
(Date & Time : 2011-03-02 9.00 am)
Department of Commerce, Christ University is organizing SAMSHODHAN-2010 a State Level Research Seminar. This program offers an opportunity to PG students of Commerce, Economics, Management, and Tourism to come out with Research Based Paper for presentation on the theme “Beyond Recession towards Sustainable Prosperity”. This offers a forum to the students’ community to come out with solutions to the challenges the society is facing.
Venue : Seminar hall, Block II, Christ University, Bangalore
For more details, visit:
Christ University