National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee - 247 667
Training Course On
Hydrological Investgations
For Conservation And Management of Leaks
(1-3 March, 2011) at NIH, Roorkee
To impart knowledge to the field engineers, officers, researchers, scientists, NGO’s about the various hydrological process in the lake
To acquaint the field engineers, officers, researchers and scientists with the latest approaches for monitoring and investigating the lake processes
To share with the field engineers, officers, researchers, NGO’s and scientists the experiences of lake research for developing strategies for lake conservation and management
There is no registration fee for the Training Course. Accommodation will be arranged on payment basis at NIH and IIT Roorkee guest houses. Participants will have to arrange for TA/DA from their own organization. It is intended to register only a limited number of participants for the course, on first come first served basis. The intending participants are, therefore, requested to register themselves early by filling and mailing the attached registration form, latest by 10th February, 2011.
For more details, visit:
Roorkee - 247 667
Training Course On
Hydrological Investgations
For Conservation And Management of Leaks
(1-3 March, 2011) at NIH, Roorkee
To impart knowledge to the field engineers, officers, researchers, scientists, NGO’s about the various hydrological process in the lake
To acquaint the field engineers, officers, researchers and scientists with the latest approaches for monitoring and investigating the lake processes
To share with the field engineers, officers, researchers, NGO’s and scientists the experiences of lake research for developing strategies for lake conservation and management
There is no registration fee for the Training Course. Accommodation will be arranged on payment basis at NIH and IIT Roorkee guest houses. Participants will have to arrange for TA/DA from their own organization. It is intended to register only a limited number of participants for the course, on first come first served basis. The intending participants are, therefore, requested to register themselves early by filling and mailing the attached registration form, latest by 10th February, 2011.
For more details, visit: