Admission to MA in Development Studies programme July 2010, IIT Guwahati

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati – 781 039, Assam

Admission to MA in Development Studies programme, to start from July 2010

Applications are invited for admission to the Master of Arts (MA) programme in Development Studies, starting in July 2010, as per details of information indicated below.

Categories of Students for MA Programme in Development Studies

Regular (Full Time)

Sponsored (Full Time)

Eligibility for Regular MA Candidates

A Bachelor’s Degree of minimum 3 years’ duration or its equivalent from a recognised University, in any discipline with a minimum average of 50 % marks or 5.5 CPI in a 10-point scale [ 45 % or 5.0 CPI in a 10-point scale, for Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Person with Disability (PD) candidate].

Candidates still to appear in their final Bachelor’s Degree examinations may also apply, provided they appear in all their qualifying degree examinations and complete all requirements for their degrees before 16-07-2010. If selected, such candidates shall be admitted provisionally, and they will have to furnish the results of their qualifying degree examinations latest by 16-09-2010. Further, they must obtain the minimum required marks/CPI mentioned above. Failure to fulfill either of the two requirements, shall automatically result in cancellation of admission.

Eligibility for Sponsored (Full-Time) MA Candidates

Same as for `Regular’ candidates, but also fulfilling additional conditions specified for Sponsored (Full-Time) candidates, as indicated under “Categories of Students for MA Programme”.

Application forms and Information Brochures can also be obtained from the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati - 781 039, Assam, personally or by ordinary post. To receive application forms by post, send a request along with a self-addressed unstamped envelope (24cm x 15cm size). Request for a form must be sent in an envelope super-scribed with ‘Request for MA Application form’.

Filled in application forms complete with copies of mark sheets/certificates and other testimonials and a DD for Rs.150/- (Rs.75/- for SC/ST/PD candidates) drawn in any nationalized bank and payable at Guwahati, in favour of Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, should be sent to the Head, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati – 781 039, Assam, to reach on or before 20 April 2010. The words “Application for MA admission” should be written on the top of the envelope for sending the completed form.

Last Date for issuing Application Forms By Ordinary Post – 10 April 2010

Last Date for receiving Application Forms 20 April 2010

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