Indian Forest Service Examination, 2010 (IFS Exam 2010)

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

Indian Forest Service Examination, 2010

Minimum academic qualifications prescribed: A Bachelor's degree with at least one of the subjects namely, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a degree in Agriculture or Forestry or Engineering of a recognised University or equivalent.

Candidates appearing at the degree examination (with prescribed subjects) also eligible to compete subject to certain conditions.

Age Limits:
21 - 30 years as on 01.07.2010

How to Apply:

(a)The Commission proposes to make available online application submission for Indian Forest Service Examination 2010 from 27th February 2010 to 15th March 2010 for which a separate notice is to be issued.

(b) The UPSC have developed an application form common for all their examinations which will be processed on computerised machines. This application form alongwith an Information Brochure containing general instructions for filling up the form, an acknowledegment card and an envelope for sending the application is obtainable from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices throughout the country as listed in Appendix-III of Notice against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty only). Form should be purchased from the designated Post Offices only and not from any other agency. This form can be used only once and for only one examination. Candidates, who wish to apply offline, must use the form supplied with the Information Brochure only and they should in no case use photocopy/reproduction/unauthorisedly printed copy of the Form. Since this form is electronically scannable, due care should be taken to fill up the application form, correctly. While filling up the application form, please refer to detailed instructions given in Appendix-II of this Notice. The candidate should also fill up in the relevant places of the Acknowledgement Card, their Application Form Number (8-digit) and the name of the examination. The applicant are required to affix the postage stamp of Rs.6/- on the Acknowledgement Cards and send the same along with application form to UPSC. If an applicant fails to affix the postage stamp of requisite amount his acknowledgement card will not be dispatched and Commission will not be responsible for non-receipt of acknowledgement card by the applicant. The duly filled in application form and the acknowledgement card should then be mailed in the special envelope supplied with the Information Brochure. The candidates should also write the name of examination viz. "Indian Forest Service Examination, 2010" on the envelope before despatching it to "Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069".

(c) All candidates, whether already in Government Service, or in Government owned industrial undertakings or other similar organisations or in private employment should submit their applications direct to the Commission. If any candidate forwards his application through his/her employer and it reaches the Union Public Service Commission late, the application, even if submitted to the employer before the closing date, will not be considered.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Receipt of Applications (Monday): 22.03.2010 (MONDAY)

Date/Day of Commencement of Examination: 10.07.2010 (SATURDAY)

Duration of Examination: 10 Days

For detailed notice visit:

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