Centre For International Affairs
Anna University Chennai
Chennai 600 025 India
Tel: +91 - 44 - 2235 8560 (D)
Tel: +91 - 44 - 2235 8561 (O)
Email: dircia@annauniv.edu
The University of Nottingham has announced twenty fully funded distinguished visiting fellowships for Junior University lecturers and post doctoral researcher currently working in recognized Universities in India. The details of the fellowships are available in http://beta.nottingham.ac.uk/InternationalOffice/visiting-fellows/index.aspx
Post-doctoral researchers or junior lecturers currently working in full-time academic positions at recognised Indian institutions
Applicants must have held their permanent University post for less than 3 years
The deadline for receipt of application is 22th January 2010. The interested staff members may apply directly to University of Nottingham through Registrar, Anna University, Chennai
Anna University Chennai
Chennai 600 025 India
Tel: +91 - 44 - 2235 8560 (D)
Tel: +91 - 44 - 2235 8561 (O)
Email: dircia@annauniv.edu
The University of Nottingham has announced twenty fully funded distinguished visiting fellowships for Junior University lecturers and post doctoral researcher currently working in recognized Universities in India. The details of the fellowships are available in http://beta.nottingham.ac.uk/InternationalOffice/visiting-fellows/index.aspx
Post-doctoral researchers or junior lecturers currently working in full-time academic positions at recognised Indian institutions
Applicants must have held their permanent University post for less than 3 years
The deadline for receipt of application is 22th January 2010. The interested staff members may apply directly to University of Nottingham through Registrar, Anna University, Chennai