Panjab University, Chandigarh
Refresher Course in Biology and Biomedical Sciences
This is for the information of the applicants who have applied for the Refresher Course in Biology and Biomedical Sciences that their applications will be considered for the Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Sciences scheduled w.e.f. March 2-22, 2010. The Refresher Course in Biology and Biomedical Sciences is cancelled due to less number of applications.
For more details, visit:
Refresher Course in Biology and Biomedical Sciences
This is for the information of the applicants who have applied for the Refresher Course in Biology and Biomedical Sciences that their applications will be considered for the Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Sciences scheduled w.e.f. March 2-22, 2010. The Refresher Course in Biology and Biomedical Sciences is cancelled due to less number of applications.
For more details, visit:
PU Chandigarh