
B.Tech. Integrated Course in Television and Film Production

Punjabi University Patiala

Admission Notice 2009 To B.Tech. Integrated Course in Television and Film Production

Punjabi University is the first University in the country starting a four-year B.Tech. Integrated Course in Television and Film Production from the 2009-2010 session. The course will run in the new centrally air-conditioned building of Centre for Advanced Media Studies (CAMS)

Eligibility: Plus-2 in any stream

Career/Placement options: Visualizers, Copywriters, Scriptwriters, Screenplay writers, Camerapersons for Single and Multi-camera indoor and outdoor shooting, Film Directors, Technical directors, Art Directors, Documentary & Ad film makers, TV production and programming heads, Panel producers, Promo-producers, Multimedia and Graphic artists, Non-linear Editors, TV news reporters & anchors, TV shows-hosts, Sound recordists, Lighting experts, Visualisers, Still photographers.

Nomenclature of first year papers:
Introduction to Media Studies, Professional Photography, Basic Computer Applications, Communication Skills, Principles of TV & Film Production, Video & Broadcast Technology, Historical Perspective of Television & Films, to be followed by conceptualizing, writing & directing films.

Existing infrastructure & facilities:
Centrally air-conditioned building for class rooms and Seminar-cum-Preview Rooms, Two fully equipped studios with three-camera set ups, Latest Canon XL-2, Sony PD-170 TV/Film compatible and all-digital workflow cameras, Dolly-Trolley tripods, Non-linear editing suite with Final Cut Pro on Apple Mac Pro, Audio mixers, Hi-Tech Production Control Rooms, Teleprompter, Complete Indoor & outdoor Lighting equipment, Light Meters, Reflectors, Cordless Voice Transmitters, Hi-end Multimedia Labs with Internet connectivity and latest softwares, Fully-equipped Books and Video Library, Reading Rooms.

Internship, trips, workshops & guest lectures:
Students will be attached to reputed TV channels after the completion of their first year. Trips include visit to Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune/ Film City, Hyderabad/ Subash Ghai’s Whistling Woods, Mumbai/ Satyajit Ray’s Institute, Kolkata. Reputed professionals from Mumbai, Pune and Delhi will also be invited for conducting frequent workshops, orientation courses, seminars etc.

In the offing: A new multi-crore building for CAMS, alongwith a Film City on the University Campus.

Annual fee to be paid in two instalments:
Rs 60,000

Admission forms and other details
will be available in the University’s Handbook of Information which is likely to be available during the last week of May. Keep visiting the website for latest updates from time to time.

Dr Gurmeet Singh Maan

Director, CAMS and Head,

Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication



Mobile no. 098784-77107

For more details, visit:


  1. It opens new vistas and provides fresh wings to take off to a flying start in the glamorous world of Television and Film industries.

  2. It's a tremendous effort by any Govt. University as it will save a lot of money of those students who can't afford to pay hefty fees for such professional courses.

  3. students can fulfill their dreams through this course

  4. Best course in B.Tech traditions

  5. Its very good decision taken by Punjabi university. Students who are interested to bright their career in film or on tv will get huge knowledge via this course. Congratulation for Punjabi University and director Dr. Gurmeet maan.

    from Naresh batish

  6. feel gud to knw that any Govt. university is starting a course just after +2 in film & tv production. student those are intrested can choose this course & moreovr the facilities are awesome such as Canon Camera Sony-PD-170, FCP-Mac Pro , Audio mixer etc.
    so be there to fullfill ur dream in this modern world .

  7. its gud dat B.Tech is staring in P U , Patiala & i apprecite Dr. Mann to act such a fantastic effort. intersetd students must not miss the chance .

  8. I'd like to congratulate Punjabi University and Dr. Gurmeet Singh Mann for the initiative they have taken to start the B.Tech. Integrated Course in Television and Film Production.

    This would enable the students to choose a Path of their interest after +2 and grow in the same field.

  9. The initiative of launching such professional course taken by Punjabi University is highly appreciable as it will give a strong platform to those who want to prove themselves in this type of professional field.
    I congratulate Dr. Gurmeet Mann for this remarkable effort as this course will surely brighten the future of younger generation.

  10. Hats off to you Dr Maan, a great effort indeed. Your personal effort and hard work are evident in the meticulous planning done for this course that would be a pioneering attempt in this part of the country. Keep it up and have a great going. All the best.

  11. It is a giant step taken by a govt. institution where the students can feel and realise their dreams turning into reality.
    Best infrastructure, best faculty and highest level of commitment would certainly transform the hobbies of the students into a successful profession.
    Its also beneficial for the economically weaker section students who cannot pay hefty fees for doing such a professional course.
    My heartiest congrats and good luck to Dr. Gurmeet Singh Maan without whose labour sticking maneuvers this course would havn't been thought off.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It is really a commendable triumph for both punjabi university , patiala and Dr. gurmeet mann.
    This platform will surely provide opportunities to learn the technical side of media industry to the students, that too under the supervision of govt university and well knwn faculty.
    Such courses are need of an hour.
    Congratulations !!`

  14. Well, the new course will truly establish new avenues for those apsirants who love the very art of TV and film production but were unable to pursue the same for some reason. though similar courses have been on the menu of several private institutes and colleges, but in a place like punjab - it is a first and that too at unviversity level and on the lines of FTII, pune. now that's what makes it genuinely irresistible, doesn't it?????
    besides, it is only through sheer dedication and perseverance that Dr Maan has got the nod for commencing such a demanding course of study.
    it's, undoubtedly, an opportunity of a lifetime to get yourself enrolled in a course like this one, which otherwise seemed out of question - owing to inaccessibility, improper infrastructure, faculty and most importantly value for money. i guess all those who wish to create a niche for themselves in TV and film production - punjabi university, patiala, is the place to be. for it is here where you can realise your dreams to be what you want to be.
    All the best dr maan for this extraordinarily excellent endeavour.

  15. A commendable venture indeed that would fulfill the hopes and aspirations of a lot many students of the northern region. It is indeed a innovative job oriented course which I think would suitably equip passouts to take up professional assignments. Kudos to Punjabi University and Dr Gurmeet Maan to have conceived the idea of starting this course and meticulously executing the plan. My best wishes.
    Vibhor Mohan, Times of India, Chandigarh

  16. Wov.....It is a good step taken by the university. It would definately help in shaping the future of students instead of doing an ordinary degree of BA. This is the right time to run such job oriented courses like this. Till today, the number of people from Punjab region is very small in technical side of TV and fiml production and this course of Punjabi University would contribute a lot in this field.

  17. This is the most intuitive & innovative attempt by any University in the world. The passouts from here r sure to find lucrative jobs because of the nature of the course in the media industry, especially TV and films. I wish I could be a part of this. Congrats to the dreamers of this course.

  18. Fantastic. Grabbing opportunity at this time is vital. The market and potential is great. Students of punjabi univ will be entering this stream while others may be still contemplating. Congratulations Dr Mann for your foresight .

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