Sample Questions For M. Sc. in Scientific Computing

Sample Questions

1) If in a triangle ABC, the angle C is a right angle, then tan A + tan B equals

a) tan C
b) c
c) c/ ab
d) c2/ ab

2) Two men undertake to do a piece of work for Rs. 28. One can do it alone in 7 days the other in 8 days. If with the assistance of a boy they finish the work in 3 days, the boy will get:

a) Rs. 5.00
b) Rs. 5.20
c) Rs. 5.40
d) Rs. 5.50

3) If ‘TENDER’ is written as ‘XIRHIV’, how will you write ‘Hotel’?


4) Two successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of

a) 30%
b) 32%
c) 35%
d) 34%

5) How many number of times will the digit “7” be written when listing integers from 1 – 1000?

a) 271
b) 300
c) 252
d) 304

6) Assume that an integer pointer x is declared in a “C” program as int *x; Further assume that the location of the pointer is 1000 and it points to an address 2000 where value 500 is stored in 4 bytes. What is the output of printf(“%d”,*x);

a) 500
b) 1000
c) undefined
d) 2000

7) What will be the value of a?

void main()
#ifindef NOTE
int a;
a = 10;
int a;
a = 20

a) Garbage value
b) Error
c) 20
d) 10

8) A palindrome is an arrangement of letters that reads the same: forward as well as backwards. For example: TAT, ROOR, etc., are 3 and 4 letter palindromes respectively. How many 7 letter palindromes can be formed out of the letters SRRIBBS?

a) 6
b) 5
c) 8
d) 10

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