April 2005

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks:100

Note:Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) What are the benefits of Top-Down design? How is it carried out? Discuss. (10)

(b) What do you mean by the high level languages? How they differ from machine

language Discuss. (10)

2. (a) Discuss the step-by-step process followed to solve any problem. (10)

(b) What is constant? How is it different from variable? How do you create and use

various types of constants?. (10)

3 (a) What is the purpose of 'for' loop in C? How is it used? Discuss with appropriate

example. (10)

(b) Write a C program to convert a numeric number day to a named day of

the week (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc) Take an integer from user and

print the relevant day or message to the standard output. Use a

switch statement. (10)

4. (a) How do you make use of command line arguments. discuss. (10)

(b) Discuss two different approaches used to update a data file

Which approach is better and why? (10)

5. (a) What are enumerated data types? Discuss their usage with example. (10)

(b) What is structure? How it is created? How is it passed to a function

Discuss. (10)

6. (a) What is pointer? How it is related to an array name? Discuss

with example. (10)

(b) Write C program which accept 5 strings from user and stores them

in an array. Then it displays the first letter of each string to the standard

output. (10)

7. Write a C program to implement various operations performed on a stack.

Design necessary interface also.(20)

8. Write short note on following (20)

(a) Linked List

(b) Preprocessor Device

(c) Union

(4) Local and Global Variables

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