Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Parts A and B should be answered in separate answerbooks.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Part A
1. Describe the method of “Mrutha samsodhana” as explained by Susrutha. (8 marks)
2. Enumerate the various bhavas derived from panchamahabhutas and atma. (6 marks)
3. Define Dehaprakruthi. Describe the physical and mental attributes of Vatha prakruthi. (10 marks)
4. Describe the microscopic structure of ovary with the help of a diagram. (5 marks)
5. Enumerate the body structures derived from ectoderm and mesoderm. (5 marks)
6. Write briefly on:
(a) Trigunas.
(b) Pumsavanam.
(c) Placenta.
(d) Satva prakruthi. (4x4 = 16 marks)
Part B
7. Describe the classification of synovial joints giving examples (7 marks)
8. Describe the gluteal surface of ilium with muscle attachments. (6 marks)
9. Name paranasal sinuses. Describe briefly the largest paranasal sinus and write its
surgical importance. (8 marks)
10. Write the origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of the following muscles :
(a) Trapezius (Prushtacchada)
(b) Rectus femoris (Uru dandika) (2x4 = 8 marks)
11. Describe the microscopic structure of a lymph node with the help of a diagram. (5 marks)
12. Write briefly on :
(a) Fascia lata.
(b) Koorcham
(c) Conducting system of heart
(d) Rectus sheath (4x4 = 16 marks)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Parts A and B should be answered in separate answerbooks.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Part A
1. Describe the method of “Mrutha samsodhana” as explained by Susrutha. (8 marks)
2. Enumerate the various bhavas derived from panchamahabhutas and atma. (6 marks)
3. Define Dehaprakruthi. Describe the physical and mental attributes of Vatha prakruthi. (10 marks)
4. Describe the microscopic structure of ovary with the help of a diagram. (5 marks)
5. Enumerate the body structures derived from ectoderm and mesoderm. (5 marks)
6. Write briefly on:
(a) Trigunas.
(b) Pumsavanam.
(c) Placenta.
(d) Satva prakruthi. (4x4 = 16 marks)
Part B
7. Describe the classification of synovial joints giving examples (7 marks)
8. Describe the gluteal surface of ilium with muscle attachments. (6 marks)
9. Name paranasal sinuses. Describe briefly the largest paranasal sinus and write its
surgical importance. (8 marks)
10. Write the origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of the following muscles :
(a) Trapezius (Prushtacchada)
(b) Rectus femoris (Uru dandika) (2x4 = 8 marks)
11. Describe the microscopic structure of a lymph node with the help of a diagram. (5 marks)
12. Write briefly on :
(a) Fascia lata.
(b) Koorcham
(c) Conducting system of heart
(d) Rectus sheath (4x4 = 16 marks)