203 B. T. Road, Kolkata – 700 108
B.Stat.(Hons.), B.Math.(Hons.), M.Tech.(CS)
Applications on prescribed forms are invited from candidates seeking admission to the following degree programmmes of the Institute with the eligibility requirements as mentioned against each degree programme.
1. 3-year B.Stat. (Hons.) & 3-year B.Math. (Hons.) :
a) Successful completion of 10+2 years of Higher Secondary Education or equivalent with Mathematics and English, and
b) qualifying the INMO test. Stipend Rs. 800/- per month. (B.Stat. is offered in Kolkata and B.Math. is offered in Bangalore).
2. 2-year M.Tech. in Computer Science :
(i) Master's degree in Mathematics / Physics / Electronic Sciences / Computer Science / Computer Applications /Information Technology or,
(ii) Bachelor's degree in Engineering/Technology or any other qualification considered equivalent (such as AMIE or, GRAD-IETE or, DOEACC ‘B’ Level).and
(b) a valid GATE score in the subject of specialization of the candidate in the earlier degree programme. Stipend Rs. 5000/- per month. (M.Tech. in Computer Science is offered in Kolkata).
For B. Stat. and B.Math. programmes, candidates may be called directly for interview.
For M.Tech. in Computer Science programme, a short-listing of eligible candidates to be called for interview, will be done based on their academic records and GATE Score.
Prospectus and Application form are available on our website in PDF format. Filled in applications
alongwith copies of testimonials must reach Dean of Studies, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T.Road, Kolkata 700 108 by 30 April 2008.
For More Details CLICK HERE
203 B. T. Road, Kolkata – 700 108
B.Stat.(Hons.), B.Math.(Hons.), M.Tech.(CS)
Applications on prescribed forms are invited from candidates seeking admission to the following degree programmmes of the Institute with the eligibility requirements as mentioned against each degree programme.
1. 3-year B.Stat. (Hons.) & 3-year B.Math. (Hons.) :
a) Successful completion of 10+2 years of Higher Secondary Education or equivalent with Mathematics and English, and
b) qualifying the INMO test. Stipend Rs. 800/- per month. (B.Stat. is offered in Kolkata and B.Math. is offered in Bangalore).
2. 2-year M.Tech. in Computer Science :
(i) Master's degree in Mathematics / Physics / Electronic Sciences / Computer Science / Computer Applications /Information Technology or,
(ii) Bachelor's degree in Engineering/Technology or any other qualification considered equivalent (such as AMIE or, GRAD-IETE or, DOEACC ‘B’ Level).and
(b) a valid GATE score in the subject of specialization of the candidate in the earlier degree programme. Stipend Rs. 5000/- per month. (M.Tech. in Computer Science is offered in Kolkata).
For B. Stat. and B.Math. programmes, candidates may be called directly for interview.
For M.Tech. in Computer Science programme, a short-listing of eligible candidates to be called for interview, will be done based on their academic records and GATE Score.
Prospectus and Application form are available on our website in PDF format. Filled in applications
alongwith copies of testimonials must reach Dean of Studies, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T.Road, Kolkata 700 108 by 30 April 2008.
For More Details CLICK HERE