

May 2005
(B. Tech 6th SEMESTER)

Time 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 60

Section A is compulsory. Attempt any Four questions from Section B and any two questions from Section C.

Section- A Marks: 2 each (10 * 2=20)


1. Given a net mask of 255, 222, 25, 0. How many subnets are available?
2. What are the advantages of doing reassembly at the ultimate destination instead of doing it after the datagram travels across one network?
3. What is the need for pre-assigned UDP port numbers?
4. What is the special case in which a host connected to an Ethernet need not use ARP or an ARP cache before transmitting an IP datagram?
5. How is a TCP socket different from a UDP socket?
6. How Silly Window Syndrome is avoided in TCP?
7. What is RED?
8. What kind of information is there in routing tables?
9. What is maximum size of TCP header?
10. What is encapsulation?

Section- B Marks: 5 each (5 * 4 =20)

2. Explain in detail the working of ARP. Specify a special case where thee is no need of ARP for communication.

3. Explain the structure of ICMP message format. Should ICMP error message contain a time stamp that specify when they are sent? Explain.

4. What do you mean by CIDR? Explain with the help of suitable example.

5. List and explain briefly the application layer protocols of TCP/IP.

6. Why a node in a network has got both a MAC address and an IP address? Explain.

Section- C Marks: 10 each (10 * 2=20)

7. Compare the individual fields of IPv4 with IPv6 header. Account for the functionality provided by each IPv4 field by showing how the same functionality is provided in IPv6?

8. Describe in detail the working of each layer of the TCP/IP layered structure? In which way the flow control at network interface differ from flow control at transport layer?

9. Write short notes on any two of the following:

2. UDP
3. DNS.

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