Kasturi Centre, 124, Wallajah Road
Chennai 600 002, India
Admission To Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Journalism 2008.
College or university graduates in any discipline and students awaiting their degree examination results are eligible to apply for admission to the ACJ. Although most of the students admitted will be from India, the College expects to offer a certain number of places to suitable candidates from elsewhere in South Asia and from other parts of the world.
After a careful assessment of applications, short-listed candidates will take an entrance examination on May 25, 2008. The examination will be administered in Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Kochi, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Patna, Thiruvananthapuram and possibly other cities, depending on the number of applications received from a particular region.
The examination will be in two parts:-
(a) to test the applicant’s English language skills and facility and
(b) the awareness of current affairs and general knowledge. It will also test the candidates’ writing ability and assess their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Other procedures may be prescribed for candidates from abroad.
Applicants from India who have done well in the entrance examination will be invited to an interview at the College in mid-June. Up to 40 students will be finally selected for the Print Media stream, up to 30 for New Media, and up to 30 for the Television stream and up to 15 for the Radio stream.
Application Procedure:-
The application form may either be submitted ONLINE or DOWNLOADED and completed.
Students In either case, please make sure you send the following:
(1) Demand Draft in favour of "Media Development Foundation", payable at Chennai for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only); with your full name and address written on the back of the DD.
(2) 2 Passport sized photos
to the address given below:
Asian College of Journalism
Kasturi Centre, 124, Wallajah Road
Chennai 600 002, India
Tel: (91) (44) 28418254/55, 28526227/49
Last Date for Submission of Application form is April 30, 2008
(1) Candidates are required to indicate, in their completed application, the media stream they wish to specialise in.
(2) Application Form will be processed only on receipt of the Demand draft.
(3) Final Results will be announced in the fourth week of June 2008.
Kasturi Centre, 124, Wallajah Road
Chennai 600 002, India
Admission To Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Journalism 2008.
College or university graduates in any discipline and students awaiting their degree examination results are eligible to apply for admission to the ACJ. Although most of the students admitted will be from India, the College expects to offer a certain number of places to suitable candidates from elsewhere in South Asia and from other parts of the world.
After a careful assessment of applications, short-listed candidates will take an entrance examination on May 25, 2008. The examination will be administered in Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Kochi, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Patna, Thiruvananthapuram and possibly other cities, depending on the number of applications received from a particular region.
The examination will be in two parts:-
(a) to test the applicant’s English language skills and facility and
(b) the awareness of current affairs and general knowledge. It will also test the candidates’ writing ability and assess their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Other procedures may be prescribed for candidates from abroad.
Applicants from India who have done well in the entrance examination will be invited to an interview at the College in mid-June. Up to 40 students will be finally selected for the Print Media stream, up to 30 for New Media, and up to 30 for the Television stream and up to 15 for the Radio stream.
Application Procedure:-
The application form may either be submitted ONLINE or DOWNLOADED and completed.
Students In either case, please make sure you send the following:
(1) Demand Draft in favour of "Media Development Foundation", payable at Chennai for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only); with your full name and address written on the back of the DD.
(2) 2 Passport sized photos
to the address given below:
Asian College of Journalism
Kasturi Centre, 124, Wallajah Road
Chennai 600 002, India
Tel: (91) (44) 28418254/55, 28526227/49
Last Date for Submission of Application form is April 30, 2008
(1) Candidates are required to indicate, in their completed application, the media stream they wish to specialise in.
(2) Application Form will be processed only on receipt of the Demand draft.
(3) Final Results will be announced in the fourth week of June 2008.