New Literatures in English May 2003 (MA English)
May 2003 (First Year)
(Paper - 1)
540 New Literatures in English
Time 3 Hours
Maximum 100 Marks
Attempt FIVE questions in Section-A and THREE questions in Section-B
I. Annotate any FIVE of, the following passages choosing atleast TWO from each group.
GROUP - A (5x8 = 40)
1. 1. Annotate (a) What have I come
here for from a thousand miles?
The sky is no different.
(b) Than God the picked
on me and spared my children
2. Annotate.
a. Facially, I am brunette, but madam, you should see
The rest of me, Palm of my hand, soles of my feet
(b) Set free at last in human time
that long - rejected tyranny-
I found in ordinary love the solitudes of poetry.
3. Annotate (a) "For the purpose of securing both
kinds of fruit to the countless soul our
Lord, with actions five, dances His dance".
(b) How supremely great in power and grace this dancing image must appear- to all those who have in plastic forms to give expression to their intuition of Life!
4. Annotate
a. The positions are the same whether you are a victimised country, a vicitimized minority group or a victimized individual.
(b) But stick a pin In Canadian literature at random and nine times out of ten you will hit a victim.
5. Annotate
(a) It’s a beautiful world - wealth, success, position, power - and yet it's full of brainless people, people with not an idea in their head.
(b) I was twenty - one when I came to Daulatabad first, and built this fort. I supervised the placing of every brick in it and I said to myself, one day I shall build my own history like this, by brick.
6. Annotate.
(a) There was no windows; the jail stinks ! People in jail stinks like paper that's been in the rain too long. But jail stinks worse. It stinks of rust.
(b) They fired me yesterday. What the hell is the use of living ?
Write short notes in about 200 words.
7. (a) Bring out the realism in Ramanujam's poetry.
(b) How does PX Page present adolescent love in all its aspects?
8. (a) Examine the role of Dhananjaya in Mukta - Mara.
(b) Give a critical comment on Atwood's 'Survival'.
Answer any THREE of the following 3 x 20 = 60
9 (a) Critically evaluate the prescribed poems of Wole Soyinka.
(b) Bring out the God and 'Man relation ship in, Gitanjali.
10. (a) Describe how Anada Coomaraswamy brings out the significance of the dance of Shiva.
(b) What is the role given by Chinua Achebe to the African novelist ? Do you agree with his views?
11. (a) Consider Tughlaq as a political satire.
b) Douglas Stewart's Ned Kelly is a study in hUrnan behaviour rather than human character. - Discuss.
12. (a) Write an essay on the various themes dealt with in Coolie.
(b) Comment on the transformation of Raju the guide to Raju the saint.
13. (a) Give an assessment of White as a novelist with special reference to Voss.
(b) Comment on Hagar Shipley's ‘life long journey towards self understanding' in The Stone Angel.
May 2003 (First Year)
(Paper - 1)
540 New Literatures in English
Time 3 Hours
Maximum 100 Marks
Attempt FIVE questions in Section-A and THREE questions in Section-B
I. Annotate any FIVE of, the following passages choosing atleast TWO from each group.
GROUP - A (5x8 = 40)
1. 1. Annotate (a) What have I come
here for from a thousand miles?
The sky is no different.
(b) Than God the picked
on me and spared my children
2. Annotate.
a. Facially, I am brunette, but madam, you should see
The rest of me, Palm of my hand, soles of my feet
(b) Set free at last in human time
that long - rejected tyranny-
I found in ordinary love the solitudes of poetry.
3. Annotate (a) "For the purpose of securing both
kinds of fruit to the countless soul our
Lord, with actions five, dances His dance".
(b) How supremely great in power and grace this dancing image must appear- to all those who have in plastic forms to give expression to their intuition of Life!
4. Annotate
a. The positions are the same whether you are a victimised country, a vicitimized minority group or a victimized individual.
(b) But stick a pin In Canadian literature at random and nine times out of ten you will hit a victim.
5. Annotate
(a) It’s a beautiful world - wealth, success, position, power - and yet it's full of brainless people, people with not an idea in their head.
(b) I was twenty - one when I came to Daulatabad first, and built this fort. I supervised the placing of every brick in it and I said to myself, one day I shall build my own history like this, by brick.
6. Annotate.
(a) There was no windows; the jail stinks ! People in jail stinks like paper that's been in the rain too long. But jail stinks worse. It stinks of rust.
(b) They fired me yesterday. What the hell is the use of living ?
Write short notes in about 200 words.
7. (a) Bring out the realism in Ramanujam's poetry.
(b) How does PX Page present adolescent love in all its aspects?
8. (a) Examine the role of Dhananjaya in Mukta - Mara.
(b) Give a critical comment on Atwood's 'Survival'.
Answer any THREE of the following 3 x 20 = 60
9 (a) Critically evaluate the prescribed poems of Wole Soyinka.
(b) Bring out the God and 'Man relation ship in, Gitanjali.
10. (a) Describe how Anada Coomaraswamy brings out the significance of the dance of Shiva.
(b) What is the role given by Chinua Achebe to the African novelist ? Do you agree with his views?
11. (a) Consider Tughlaq as a political satire.
b) Douglas Stewart's Ned Kelly is a study in hUrnan behaviour rather than human character. - Discuss.
12. (a) Write an essay on the various themes dealt with in Coolie.
(b) Comment on the transformation of Raju the guide to Raju the saint.
13. (a) Give an assessment of White as a novelist with special reference to Voss.
(b) Comment on Hagar Shipley's ‘life long journey towards self understanding' in The Stone Angel.