MODERN LITERATURE - III (1789-1880) (MA English)
December 2000 First Year
Paper - II
130 - MODERN LITERATURE - III (1789-1880)
Time 3 Hours
Maximum 100 Marks
Answer question ONE and FOUR others, choosing TWO from.
Section A and TWO from Section B.
All questions carry equal marks.
I. Annotate any FIVE of, the following passages choosing atleast TWO from each group.
GROUP - A (5x4 = 20)
(a) The child is father of the man
And I could wish my days to be
Bound to each other by natural piety.
(b) Fair seed time had my soul, and I grew up Fostered alike by beauty and by fear
(c) I Would build that dome in air, That sunny dome ! those caves of ice.
(d) lie is a portion of the loveliness Which once he made more lovely.
(e) Awake ! arise ! my love, and fearless be, For o'er the southern moons I have a home for thee ...
(f) For all good poetry is the spontaneous over flow of powerful feelings.
(g) But poets do not write for poets alone, but for men,
(h) Peace to the manes of the Bubble ! Silence and destitution are upon thy walls, proud horse, for a memorial.
(i) I was a hypochondriac lad and the sight of a boy in fetters, upon the day of my first putting on the blue clothes was not exactly fitted to assuage the natural terrors of initiation.
(j) Here the children fell a - crying and asked if their little morning which they had on was not for uncle John and they looked up and prayed me not to go on about their uncle.
SECTION - A (2 x 20 = 40)
2. Wordsworths "The Immortality Ode" is about a loss and gain - Explain.
3. Discuss the role played by nature in shaping Wordsworth's personality as related by him in "The Prelude".
4. What conventions of elegy-making have been followed by Shelley in "Adonais"?
5. Explain how far, in "The Ancient Mariner", Coleridge has succeeded in imparting all the simple beauty of the old ballad.
6. Why is "The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads" called a manifests of the Romantic Creed ?
7. What aspects of Lamb's personality are revealed through his essays ?
SECTION - B (2 x 20 = 40)
8. What do you learn of Wordsworth's philosophy from his -"Tintern Abbey"?
9. Discuss Coleridge's criticism of Wordsworth's theory of poetry.
10. How much of Byron's artistic personality can be perceived from his poem "The vision of Judgment" 9
11. "We learn more of the portrait - painter than of his sitters". Examine this statement on "My First Acquaintance with Poets".
12. Comment on Hazlitts' prose style as revealed in his essays.
13. How does -Pride and Prejudice" deal with a "storm in the tea cup", the usual feature of Jane Austen's novels?
14. The theme of "The confessions of an Opium Eater".
December 2000 First Year
Paper - II
130 - MODERN LITERATURE - III (1789-1880)
Time 3 Hours
Maximum 100 Marks
Answer question ONE and FOUR others, choosing TWO from.
Section A and TWO from Section B.
All questions carry equal marks.
I. Annotate any FIVE of, the following passages choosing atleast TWO from each group.
GROUP - A (5x4 = 20)
(a) The child is father of the man
And I could wish my days to be
Bound to each other by natural piety.
(b) Fair seed time had my soul, and I grew up Fostered alike by beauty and by fear
(c) I Would build that dome in air, That sunny dome ! those caves of ice.
(d) lie is a portion of the loveliness Which once he made more lovely.
(e) Awake ! arise ! my love, and fearless be, For o'er the southern moons I have a home for thee ...
(f) For all good poetry is the spontaneous over flow of powerful feelings.
(g) But poets do not write for poets alone, but for men,
(h) Peace to the manes of the Bubble ! Silence and destitution are upon thy walls, proud horse, for a memorial.
(i) I was a hypochondriac lad and the sight of a boy in fetters, upon the day of my first putting on the blue clothes was not exactly fitted to assuage the natural terrors of initiation.
(j) Here the children fell a - crying and asked if their little morning which they had on was not for uncle John and they looked up and prayed me not to go on about their uncle.
SECTION - A (2 x 20 = 40)
2. Wordsworths "The Immortality Ode" is about a loss and gain - Explain.
3. Discuss the role played by nature in shaping Wordsworth's personality as related by him in "The Prelude".
4. What conventions of elegy-making have been followed by Shelley in "Adonais"?
5. Explain how far, in "The Ancient Mariner", Coleridge has succeeded in imparting all the simple beauty of the old ballad.
6. Why is "The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads" called a manifests of the Romantic Creed ?
7. What aspects of Lamb's personality are revealed through his essays ?
SECTION - B (2 x 20 = 40)
8. What do you learn of Wordsworth's philosophy from his -"Tintern Abbey"?
9. Discuss Coleridge's criticism of Wordsworth's theory of poetry.
10. How much of Byron's artistic personality can be perceived from his poem "The vision of Judgment" 9
11. "We learn more of the portrait - painter than of his sitters". Examine this statement on "My First Acquaintance with Poets".
12. Comment on Hazlitts' prose style as revealed in his essays.
13. How does -Pride and Prejudice" deal with a "storm in the tea cup", the usual feature of Jane Austen's novels?
14. The theme of "The confessions of an Opium Eater".