April / May-2004 Examinations
Set No. 1
(Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Telematics)
[Time:3 hours]
Max. Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. What is an organization? Explain different types of organizations along with their merits and demerits.
2. What is social responsibility?
3. What do you understand by Acceptance sampling? Explain the concept of single and double sampling plans.
4. What are the advantages of training and development?
What are the difference between training and development?
5. State the objectives of purchasing. Describe the various steps involved in purchase procedure for a medium size industry.
6. What is productivity? Discuss some of the tools and factors which affect productivity.
7. a) What are the objectives of network analysis?
b) What are the applications of network analysis?
c) State the differences between PERT and CPM.
8. Write a note on optimization of project cost and project duration. Illustrate your answer
April / May-2004 Examinations
Set No. 1
(Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Telematics)
[Time:3 hours]
Max. Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. What is an organization? Explain different types of organizations along with their merits and demerits.
2. What is social responsibility?
3. What do you understand by Acceptance sampling? Explain the concept of single and double sampling plans.
4. What are the advantages of training and development?
What are the difference between training and development?
5. State the objectives of purchasing. Describe the various steps involved in purchase procedure for a medium size industry.
6. What is productivity? Discuss some of the tools and factors which affect productivity.
7. a) What are the objectives of network analysis?
b) What are the applications of network analysis?
c) State the differences between PERT and CPM.
8. Write a note on optimization of project cost and project duration. Illustrate your answer